Edwin // Udnhzgraphic and web designermale, single . 17th April 1994 St. Yakobus JHS grd. 9
msn: i.am@udnhz.co.cc email: udnhz@rocketmail.com |
Desember 19, 2008
imagesfrom viyoo~The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 People. click read more ! Edwin (malah keluar pose syur seorang cowok) akakakak, gila aje . . :D tag
Register your URLBuat blogger yang mau nge-link ke sini, masukin aj url blog dan nickname kamu di form di bawah ini. thxConnectionA agii agungredsman andre arheB bob a becky C caca chaa chaca cindy.tj cris cyn D darkcloud daniel.a devi dheea diella dno dwardz E elmogabby eugenia F fer" G gaby js.gaby GCGG gG grace H helenaa heni hrrz I ice ika indri inno ivan ivana J j.clau jameelah jee jeje jesse jorji K katie kawe kriz k ferdinand L leen lisa luci ly M marinnchan maruko monmon muuel mzvha N nael natashatheo natmel nene ntand nuud nx NZ O octavilia P pink priska Q queendhil R ririzh ris rollz S sannsan shasha sleeey spacetoon stephany T tephi U upvelia V vandy vanessa vee vera viktor vivie viyoo vlye W wina X xalie Y yokko yoshi |
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